We examined the connection between the mean residence time (MRT) of streamwater and the bedrock groundwater recharge/discharge dynamics in weathered granite catchments, the Kiryu Experimental Watershed (KEW), Japan. Several hydrological parameters including discharge, direct runoff ratio, baseflow recession, and bedrock infiltration were measured or estimated at subcatchments within KEW. Although large differences in the rainfall–runoff characteristics were observed among the small catchments, the differences became smaller and stabilized at the larger catchment scale. The key factor in the stabilization was the bedrock groundwater recharge and/or discharge dynamics, which reflected the differences in MRTs among the catchments. Our results suggest a dominant control of MRT by key geological factors, namely bedrock permeability and bedrock groundwater dynamics. In other words, MRT provides much information to consider when addressing hydrological scaling issues and/or estimating rainfall–runoff processes in a catchment, even an ungauged catchment. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.