We introduce a new scheme to design optical microcavities supporting high-Q modes with unidirectional light emission. This is achieved by coupling a low-Q mode with unidirectional emission to a high-Q mode. The coupling is due to enhanced dynamical tunneling near an avoided resonance crossing. Numerical results for a microdisk with a suitably positioned air hole demonstrate the feasibility and the potential of this concept. PACS numbers: 42.55.Sa, 42.60.Da, 05.45.Mt Confinement and manipulation of light in microcavities is important for a wide range of research areas and applications, e.g., cavity quantum electrodynamics or novel light sources [1]. A key quantity characterizing a cavity mode is its quality factor Q = ω/∆ω, where ω is the mode frequency and ∆ω is the linewidth. A large Q-factor is a basic requirement for low threshold lasing, high sensor sensitivity, narrow wavelength-selective filtering, and strong light-matter interaction. Whispering-gallery modes (WGMs) in microdisks [2], microspheres [3], and microtori [4] have ultra-high Q-factors. For state-of-the-art semiconductor microdisks, the record Qfactor is > 3.5 × 10 5 [5,6]. The applicability of those cavities as microlasers and single-photon sources is, however, limited by isotropic light emission. The best directionality so far is provided by VCSEL-micropillars; see, e.g., Ref. [7]. The emission is unidirectional at the cost of a reduced Q-factor, typically well below 10 4 . With present technology, there is a trade-off between Q-factor and directionality.This dilemma remains when breaking the rotational symmetry of a microdisk. Shape deformation [8,9] allows improved directionality of emission due to refractive escape, but the Q-factors are significantly spoiled. Unidirectional emission has been reported for rounded triangles [10] with Q ≈ 35 and for spiral-shaped disks [11]. In the latter case, a strong degradation of the cavity Q allows lasing operation only for spirals of the size of conventional edge emitting lasers.Another approach is to break the symmetry by modifying the evanescent leakage (the optical analogue of tunneling) from WGMs, thereby keeping the high Q-factor. Ref.[12] reported unidirectional lasing from a vertical double-disk structure. Unfortunately, the study was restricted to the nearfield pattern. Another suggestion has been to introduce a linear defect into the evanescent inner region of WGMs [13]. Nearly spherical, high-Q fused-silica cavities showed emission into four directions explained by dynamical tunneling from a WGM to the exterior of the cavity [14]. Dynamical tunneling is a generalization of conventional tunneling which allows to pass not only through an energy barrier but also through other kinds of dynamical barriers in phase space [15].In this Letter, we overcome the trade-off between Q-factor and directionality by combining dynamical tunneling and refractive escape. We couple a uniform high-Q mode (HQM) and a directional low-Q mode (LQM) using enhanced dynamical tunneling near avoided resonance crossings ...