The goal of this thesis was to design a switched beam antenna by applying the principles of crystallography. The main benefit of this approach is that simple design equations can be derived from crystallography and readily applied to the design of a steerable beam antenna. Before using equations from crystallography in an antenna design, the equations are first verified. One of the best known laws of crystallography, namely Bragg's Law, is verified both by software simulation, and experimentally from the radiation patterns of a prototype antenna. One set of simulations used to verify Bragg's Law involved varying the angles of incidence while changing the plane spacing accordingly to maintain the diffraction condition. The average deviation between the software simulation and the calculated diffracted peak location was 0.8%, confirming Bragg's Law at radio frequency. A prototype antenna was designed using Bragg's Law, and the peak location was verified experimentally. The antenna was designed for use at around 6 GHz. Having verified that principles from crystallography can be applied at radio frequencies, a switched beam antenna array was designed. The antenna had three possible directions: forward, and +/-90 degrees relative to the incident beam. The side lobe level was 15.7 dB, and the half power beam width was 2 to 3 degrees. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First, I would like to thank my thesis advisor Dr. Ray Kwok not only for providing direction in this work, but also in editing the paper and proposal. Additionally, his advice for measuring the antenna radiation patterns was invaluable. He also aided me in understanding and applying the concepts of crystallography. Without his help, this work would not have been accomplished. My colleagues at Space Systems Loral were of great assistance as well. Jeffrey Gregory generously helped with the actual data gathering for the antenna radiation patterns, Jason Blonstein for the use of a company network analyzer, Kevin Rudy and Clif Mitchell for the use of the CATR facility and advice in the experimental setup of the antenna measurement. I would also like to thank my family: Nancy Shull for proofreading this thesis; my father-in-law, William Shull of Zygo Corporation, for providing practical design insights, and use of his machine shop; and especially my wife, for supporting me in my studies. Without her encouragement and assistance my master's degree would have been much longer in coming. Finally, this work is dedicated to my father, Peter Snow, for always telling his son that he could do "anything you put your mind to." v