Thermal flickering of a fire is caused by the buoyancy‐induced Kelvin‐Helmholtz‐type instability in the buoyant shear layer between burned gases and ambient air. The study of flickering frequency and inherent buoyancy‐induced instability are of great importance for fire essential parameters and their applications like fire detection, burner, and furnace designs. The flickering frequency of hydrocarbon fuel fires involved methane, ethylene, and propane was studied at low pressures ranging from 0.03 to 0.1 MPa. Three different fuel flow rates were configured for each fuel type of diffusion flame. Generally, the flickering behaviors were observed falling into three regimes: tip flickering, intermittent flickering, and continuous flickering. The continuous flickering appeared when the fuel flow rate or pressure increased above a particular level. The observed thermal flickering frequency varied from about 8 Hz at 0.03 MPa to 12 Hz at 0.1 MPa and was found insensitive to fuel type and flow rate. Thermal flickering frequency increased with the increasing of pressure with a power of 0.27. Buoyancy force dominates the flame flicking behavior under a wide range of sub‐atmospheric pressures and fuel exit velocities. In addition, multiple frequencies phenomenon was observed in the tests.