This review deals with the contractility of striated muscles as made evident in the force and the shortening velocities in various contractions. The contractility, that is, the capability of contraction, can be expressed using two parameters. One is the maximum tension during isometric contraction and the other, the maximum shortening velocity during isotonic contraction under zero load.Shortening velocity is a function of load, which is equal to the muscle tension during isotonic contraction, and the maximum tension, Tm, can be obtained from the full isometric tetanic contraction at the optimal muscle length, Lm. Therefore, the most important way of ascertaining contractility is to determine the relation between tension and velocity, i.e., the force-velocity relation, at the initial length of Lm. Figure 1 is a three-dimensional illustration of contractility, in which force-velocity curves (a, b, and c) are depicted on the T -v plane and a tension-length curve (dl, descending limb; d2, ascending limb) is on the T -L plane. The curve a is a typical force-velocity curve obtained at Lm where the isometric tension, Tm, is true maximum tension, and the shortening velocity under zero load, vm, is true maximum velocity. In the curve b the isometric tension, Tb, is smaller than Tm, because the muscle is not fully but partially activated. In the curve c, the muscle is fully activated, but the isometric tension, To, is also smaller than Tm, because the initial length, Lo, is different from Lm. Whether the maximum shortening velocities obtained under various conditions, such as represented by curves b and c, are equal or not and the nature of the theoretical explanation of the force-velocity curve from the viewpoint of the recently constructed crossbridge model are the main concerns of this review.
Hill's characteristic equationThe force-velocity relation of skeletal muscle at Lm was described by HILL [22] for the isotonic shortening of the frog sartorius muscle in terms of a simple hyperbolic "characteristic equation," (T+a)(v+b)=b(Tm+a)=const.,where T is the load equal to the tension during isotonic shortening, v is the shorten-1