It is worldwide accepted today that a real breakthrough in the Power Electronics field may mainly come from the development and use of Wide Band Gap (WBG) semiconductor devices. WBG semiconductors such as SiC, GaN, and diamond show superior material properties, which allow operation at high-switching speed, high-voltage and high-temperature. These unique performances provide a qualitative change in their application to energy processing. From energy generation (carbon, oil, gas or any renewable) to the end-user (domestic, transport, industry, etc), the electric energy undergoes a number of conversions. These conversions are currently highly inefficient to the point that it is estimated that only 20% of the whole energy involved in energy generation reaches the end-user. WGB semiconductors increase the conversion efficiency thanks to their outstanding material properties. The recent progress in the development of high-voltage WBG power semiconductor devices, especially SiC and GaN, is reviewed. The performances of various rectifiers and switches, already demonstrated are also discussed. Material and process technologies of these WBG semiconductor devices are also tackled. Future trends in device development and industrialization are also addressed.
Key words: SiC, GaN, Power devices, Rectifiers, MOSFETs, HEMTsWide Band Gap poluvodički sklopivi za učinsku elektroniku. U današnje vrijeme napredak u polju učinske elektronike prvenstveno dolazi razvojem i uporabom Wide Band Gap (WGB) poluvodičkih uredaja. WBG poluvodiči kao Sic, GaN i dijamant pokazuju iznimna svojstva materijala, što omogućuje korištenje pri brzim promjenama stanja, visokim naponima i visokim temperaturama. Ova jedinstvena svojstva osiguravaju kvalitativne promjene njihovom primjenon u obradi energije. Od početnih energenata (ugljen, ulje, plin ili obnovljivi izvori) do završne faze korištenja (kućanstvo, prijevoz, industrija) električna energija prolazi kroz različite faze pretvorbe energije koje su trenutno prilično neefikasne očemu govori podatak da se samo 20% početne energije iskoristi u konačnoj fazi. WGB poluvodiči povečavaju efikasnost pretvorbe zahvaljujući izvanrednim svojstvima materijala. U radu je dan pregled nedavnog napretka u razvoju visoko-naponskih WGB poluvodiča, posebno SiC i GaN te je dan pregled svojstava predstavljenih ispravljača i sklopki. Takoder u radu su opisani materijali i tehnologija WGB poluvodičkih uredaja te je opisan budući trend u razvoju uredaja i njihovom korištenju u industriji.