capsicum on fermentation of a corn-based dairy ration in continuous culture. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 90: 413Á420. A 12-unit continuous culture system was used in a complete randomized design to study the effects of no oil (CON), cinnamaldehyde oil (CIN), eugenol oil (EUG), and capsicum oil (CAP) (500 mg L(1 d (1 ) with a 45:55 forage:concentrate ratio (dry matter basis) ration on rumen fermentation. Dry matter digestibility did not differ among treatments. Organic matter digestibility tended to decrease with CIN. Digestibility of neutral detergent and acid detergent fiber tended to be highest with CAP. Crude protein digestibility and bacterial nitrogen flow was depressed with CIN and EUG. CIN tended to decrease microbial protein synthesis and increase effluent ammonia nitrogen. Total volatile fatty acid production did not differ among treatments; however, isovalerate production tended to be highest with CAP. CIN and EUG had higher mean pH, spent fewer hours per day and had smaller area under the curve at pHB5.6 and 5.8. CAP had smaller area under the curve at pH B5.6. Supplementation with these oils at the current dose had limited effects on rumen fermentation, with the majority of effects observed being mainly attributable to the very high dosage of oil used. [500 mg par litre et par jour] sur la fermentation dans le rumen d'une ration compose´e a`45:55 de fourrages et de concentre( selon la matie`re se`che). La digestibilite´de la matie`re se`che e´tait la meˆme pour les diffe´rents traitements. Celle de la matie`re organique a tendance a`diminuer avec CIN. La digestibilite´des fibres au de´tergent neutre et des fibres au de´tergent acide tend a`augmenter avec CAP. La digestibilite´des prote´ines brutes et le flux d'azote bacte´rien diminuent avec CIN et EUG. CIN a tendance a`favoriser la synthe`se de prote´ines par la microflore et a`augmenter la quantite´d'azote ammoniacal dans les effluents. La production totale d'acides gras volatils est la meˆme pour les divers traitements; ne´anmoins, la production d'isovale´rate a tendance a`atteindre un maximum avec CAP. CIN et EUG entraıˆnent un pH moyen plus e´leve´, persistent moins d'heures par jour et pre´sentent une plus petite superficie sous la courbe quand le pH est infe´rieur a`5,6 ou est de 5,8. CAP se caracte´rise par une plus petite superficie sous la courbe quand le pH ne de´passe pas 5,6. À la dose actuelle, un supple´ment de ces huiles aurait peu d'incidence sur la fermentation du rumen, car la majorite´des effets observe´s re´sultaient principalement de la tre`s forte concentration employe´e.
Mots clé s:Vache laitie`re, huiles essentielles, culture continue, fermentation du rumen, pH du rumen Manipulation of rumen fermentation to improve feed efficiency in the livestock industry is often achieved through the use of antibiotics, such as the ionophore monensin. However, concern has increased recently over the use of antibiotics in the livestock industry due to the possible rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which would be of great risk to human health (Be...