The energies, intensities, and angular anisotropies of the Ne KL-LLL satellite Auger lines have been studied by the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method. In addition to the initialand finalstate correlation eHects, we have studied the inBuence of the quantum beat efFect on this Auger spectrum. Since the energy splitting of the Ne 1s 2p P multiplet is much smaller than the lifetime broadening, the coherent excitation of these initial states by the in time and space localized electromagnetic pulse of the projectile has a drastic efFect on the angular distribution of Auger electrons. To analyze this coherence eKect we have generalized the theory of the angular distribution of Auger electrons to the case of coherent excitation of partially overlapping initial states. The results of our calculations are in good overall agreement with experiment. However, for a quantitative study of the in6uence of the coherence and the initial spin state on the anisotropy of these Auger lines new measurements with lower error limits are necessary.PACS number(s): 32.80.Hd, 32.80.Fb