The developing brain is particularly susceptible to lead toxicity; however, the cellular effects of lead on neuronal development are not well understood. The effect of exposure to nanomolar concentrations of lead on several parameters of the developing retinotectal system of frog tadpoles was tested. Lead severely reduced the area and branchtip number of retinal ganglion cell axon arborizations within the optic tectum at submicromolar concentrations. These effects of lead on neuronal growth are more dramatic and occur at lower exposure levels than previously reported.Lead exposure did not interfere with the development of retinotectal topography. The deficient neuronal growth does not appear to be secondary to impaired synaptic transmission, because concentrations of lead that stunted neuronal growth were lower than those required to block synaptic transmission. Subsequent treatment of lead-exposed animals with the chelating agent 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid completely reversed the effect of lead on neuronal growth. These studies indicate that impaired neuronal growth may be responsible in part for lead-induced cognitive deficits and that chelator treatment counteracts this effect.Children exposed to lead, even at concentrations that were once considered low, have learning disabilities and behavioral problems (1-3), including deficits in visual system function (4, 5). Two of the major questions regarding lead toxicity concern the limits of exposure that cause neurological damage in children and the reversibility of the damage following transient exposure to lead. The Centers for Disease Control (6) recently lowered the level of blood lead considered harmful to 10 ,ug per 100 ml of blood (0.48 MiM); however, the issue of a threshold level for lead neurotoxicity remains controversial (7,8).Calcium disodium-EDTA, a commonly used chelation agent, reportedly causes a redistribution of lead to the brain (9). This does not occur following treatment with 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA; ref. 10), an orally active lead chelating agent, which recently received Food and Drug Administration approval. Although DMSA lowers body lead burden (11-13), its ability to ameliorate behavioral deficits in lead-exposed children has not been demonstrated. DMSA is currently the subject of a double blind clinical study to test its ability to reverse the effect of lead on cognitive function.We tested the effect of lead exposure in nanomolar concentrations on the following aspects of the development of the visual projection in frogs: neuronal growth, synaptic transmission, and the maintenance of topographic retinotectal projections. We also assessed the ability of the chelating agent DMSA to reverse the effect of lead exposure on neuronal growth and compared this to the effect of simply removing the lead source from the animal.
MATERIALS AND METHODSElvax Preparation and Surgical Implantation. Elvax was prepared and implanted over the optic tectum of Rana pipiens tadpoles as described (14). Elvax40P (DuPont) was prepared with stock...