. 2001. Addition of white clover to orchardgrass pasture improves the performance of grazing lambs, but not herbage production. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 81: 517-523. Two earlymaturing cultivars (Juno and Hallmark), three late-maturing orchardgrass cultivars (Sumas, Rideau, and Kay), and a mixture of orchardgrass (Kay) and white clover (Huia) were seeded in a trial with two replicates. Plots were rotationally grazed for 3 successive years after the establishment year by crossbred lambs. Two contrasts were studied: Kay was compared with Kay/Huia and the early-maturing cultivars were compared with the late-maturing cultivars. Dry matter yield was less for the Kay/Huia than Kay in the 3-yr study, crude protein concentration was similar, and nitrate N concentration was less. Concentrations of ADF and NDF were less for Kay/Huia and stocking density was only 78% of that for Kay over the 3 yr. Efficiency of DM utilization for gain averaged 9.6 for Kay/Huia and 11.4 for Kay, but the difference is not significant. Body weight gain for lambs grazing Kay/Huia was 40% greater than for lambs grazing Kay; gains per hectare were numerically higher, resulting in bigger lambs with more fat cover. There were no differences in DM yield or chemical composition for early-and late-maturing cultivars. Daily gain for lambs grazing early-maturing cultivars tended to be greater, with most of the effect attributed to a response in 1989. Dressed weight, backfat depth relative to dressed weight were all numerically higher for lambs grazing the early-maturing varieties. We conclude that orchardgrass should be seeded with white clover to increase individual animal performance and output of lamb per hectare. Late-maturing cultivars, when planted in monoculture, had no influence on sward productivity, but appeared to offer some advantage for lamb performance. Les parcelles ont été pâturées en rotation par des agneaux hybrides trois années de suite après l'implantation. On a procédé à deux comparaisons. Le cultivar Kay a été comparé au mélange Kay/Huiam, et les cultivars hâtifs aux cultivars tardifs. Au terme des trois années de l'étude, le mélange Kay/Huia avait un rendement en matière sèche inférieur à celui de Kay, mais la concentration de protéines brutes était similaire, tandis que celle de N sous forme de nitrate était plus faible. Au cours de la même période, le mélange contenait moins de FDA et de FDN que Kay, et n'autorisait que 78 % de la densité de peuplement de ce cultivar. L'efficacité de la conversion de la MS en poids s'établissait en moyenne à 9,6 pour le mélange et à 11,4 pour Kay, mais cet écart n'est pas significatif. Les agneaux ont gagné 40 % plus de poids dans les pâturages de mélange Kay/Huia que dans ceux de Kay; le gain par hectare de pâturage était numériquement plus élevé, ce qui a donné des agneaux plus grands et plus gras. Les cultivars hâtifs et tardifs ne présentent aucune différence en ce qui concerne le rendement en MS ou la composition chimique. Les agneaux nourris de cultivars hâtifs ont tendance à gagner quotidiennem...