Although it is widely accepted that ⌬ 9 -tetrahydrocannabinol (⌬ 9 -THC) is the primary psychoactive constituent of marijuana, questions persist as to whether other components contribute to marijuana's pharmacological activity. The present experiments assessed the cannabinoid activity of marijuana smoke exposure in mice and tested the hypothesis that ⌬ 9 -THC mediates these effects through a CB 1 receptor mechanism of action. First, the effects of ⌬ 9 -THC on analgesia, hypothermia, and catalepsy were compared with those of a marijuana extract with equated ⌬ 9 -THC content after either i.v. administration or inhalation exposure. Second, mice were exposed to smoke of an ethanol-extracted placebo plant material or low-grade marijuana (with minimal ⌬ 9 -THC but similar levels of other cannabinoids) that were impregnated with varying quantities of ⌬ 9 -THC. To assess doses, ⌬ 9 -THC levels in the blood and brains of drug-exposed mice were determined following both i.v. and inhalation routes of administration. Both marijuana and ⌬
9-THC produced comparable levels of antinociception, hypothermia, and catalepsy regardless of the route of administration, and these effects were blocked by pretreatment with the CB 1 an-. Importantly, the blood and brain levels of ⌬ 9 -THC were similar in mice exhibiting similar pharmacological effects, regardless of the presence of non-⌬ 9 -THC marijuana constituents. The present experiments provide evidence that the acute cannabinoid effects of marijuana smoke exposure on analgesia, hypothermia, and catalepsy in mice result from ⌬ 9 -THC content acting at CB 1 receptors and that the non-⌬ 9 -THC constituents of marijuana (at concentrations relevant to those typically consumed) influence these effects only minimally, if at all.Interest in investigating both the risks and potential benefits of marijuana as a therapeutic agent, as well as understanding the negative consequences of long-term recreational use, has been reinvigorated over the past several years. ⌬ 9 -THC, the primary psychoactive ingredient of marijuana, has been available for several years in an oral form (Marinol) for treatment of nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy and for use in loss of appetite and weight loss related to AIDS. Additionally, cannabinoids may be useful in treating neurological/movement disorders, chronic pain, glaucoma, in neuroprotection, as well as other disease states (for recent review, see Baker et al., 2003;Croxford, 2003;Drysdale and Platt, 2003). There are also many unanswered questions about the negative consequences of long-term marijuana consumption or use of cannabinoid therapeutics, particularly when it comes to the issues of dependence liability and the possibility of long-term cognitive deficits. Although there is no controversy regarding whether ⌬ 9 -THC is the major psychoactive constituent in marijuana, questions have persisted regarding the degree to which other constituents of marijuana may contribute to its pharmacological effects, both beneficial and harmful...