“…They have the potential to negatively impact marine wildlife, and remain a conservation concern for marine mammal species worldwide (AMAP, 2018; Desforges et al, 2018;Jepson & Law, 2016;Law et al, 2012). POPs such as CBs, BDEs, and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), including dichlorodiphenyltrichoroethane (DDT), have been linked to endocrine disruption (Noël et al, 2017;Routti et al, 2010;Tanabe, 2002;Villanger et al, 2011Villanger et al, , 2013 and negative impacts on reproductive (Helle, Olsson, & Jensen, 1976b;Hoydal et al, 2017;Murphy et al, 2010;Reijnders, 1986) and immune (Fisk et al, 2005, Hall et al, 2006, Hammond, Hall, & Dyrynda, 2005, reviewed in Desforges et al, 2016Penin et al, 2018) function in marine mammals. POPs have also recently been connected with lipid disruption in a range of phyla (Lee et al, 2016;Speranza et al, 2016;Yadetie et al, 2017), including marine mammals (Castelli, Rusten, Goksøyr, & Routti, 2014;Robinson et al, 2018;Tartu et al, 2017), because they alter pathways that enable individuals to accumulate or mobilize fat reserves appropriately.…”