“…We exclude from this review instruments primarily developed to assess psychopathology, such as the 'Inpatient Multidimensional Psychiatric Scale' (IMPS, Lorr & Klett, 1967), the 'Mental Status Examination record' (MSE, Endicott et al, 1975), the 'Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia', (SADS, Endicott & Spitzer, 1978), the 'Past and Present State Examination' (PPSE, McGuffin et al, 1986), the 'Composit International Diagnostic Interview', (CIDI, Wittchen et al, 1991) and the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS, Overall & Gorham, 1962;Dingemans, 1986). We also exclude instruments, constructed for use in a particular treatment setting such as the Behavior on Ward Scale (BWS, Rostow & Smith, 1975)._s w .^u -) t o W9IVS-Î ^n , R i y f F l . 7 A 5.7.…”