Magnetized plasmas are well known to exhibit a rich spectrum of collective modes.Here, we focus on the density modes in dense or cold plasmas, where strong coupling effects alter the mode spectrum known from traditional weakly coupled plasmas.In particular, we study the dynamic structure factor (DSF) of the magnetized onecomponent plasma with molecular dynamics simulations. Extending our previous results [H. Kählert and M. Bonitz, Phys. Rev. Research 2022, 4, 013197], it is shown that Bernstein modes can be observed in the weakly magnetized regime, where they are found below the upper hybrid frequency, provided the coupling strength is sufficiently low. We investigate the DSF for a variety of different wave numbers and plasma parameters and show that even small magnetization can give rise to a strong zero-frequency mode perpendicular to the magnetic field and change the dispersion as well as the damping of the upper hybrid mode.