The present study focuses on the effects of different kinds of visible light, the intensities of white light, temperature and p H on akinete germination in the green alga Pithophora oedogonia (MoNT.)WITTROCK. In addition, it was studied how different kinds of visible light applied during akinete formation influenced the subsequent germination in white light. Akinetes initiated to germinate 3 days earlier in blue and green light than in yellow, red and white light. The green light was most favourable to akinete germination, while red light had a poor effect. No photoreversible effect of red and green light was observed. Akinetes formed under green, blue and yellow light germinated quickly and showed a higher percentage of germination than those formed under red light. Germination of akinetes was initiated even when kept in total darkness. Germination of akinetes was favoured in white light a t intensities between 0.50 and 1.5 Klux. Maximum germination of akinetes occurred a t 25 "C, while progressively higher and lower temperature suppressed germination of akinetes a t different levels. Initiation of akinete germination was delayed a t a pH of 7 and 8. No germination of akinetes was observed a t a pH of 9 and 10.Very little information is available on the conditions which control spore germination in green algae. It has been reported that the presence of light is required for spore germinat,ion of Oedogonium foveolatum ( HOFFMANN 1965) and Chura sp. (PROCTOR 1967). AGRAWAL (1980) studied the effects of different kinds of light, intensities of white light, temperature and pH on the akinete germination of Stigeoclw~ium pmcheri. The present study reports the effects of variations in the type and intensity of light, temperature and p H on akinet,e germination in the green alga Pithophora oedogonia (MoNT.) W~TTROCK. In addition, it was studied how different kinds of visible light applied during akinete formation influenced t,he subsequent germination in white light.
Materials and methodsThe alga was collected from a freshwater pond a t the University Campus. Clonal cultures were raised from single germinating akinete, maintained in BOLD'S basal medium (COX and BOLD 1966) a t 22 f 1 "C and illuminated with day light fluorescent tubes a t an intensity of 2 Klux for 16 hrs B day. The pH of medium was adjusted to 7.5. The alga reproduced itself by the formation of akinetes which appeared 5 days after inoculation of filaments and which required another 10 days for maturation. The akinetes harvested from basal medium were transferred to fresh medium end germinated directly into new filaments. The initiation of akinete germination was evident by a change in colour to light green and subsequent formation of a small protuberance. The emergence of protuberances originating from the wall of the akinete which subsequently developed into a germling was taken as a criterion for germination.The akinete germination was not synchronous in P. oedogonia. In control cultures about 21% of the akinetes initiated to germinate on the fifth d...