We present a combined theoretical and experimental study of island nucleation and growth in the deposition of Co on Cu(001) -a prototype for understanding heteroepitaxial growth involving intermixing. Experimentally, ion scattering is employed. Using density-functional theory, we obtain energy barriers for the various elementary processes and incorporate these into a kinetic Monte Carlo program to simulate the heteroepitaxial growth. Both the simulations and the experiments show a unique N-shape dependence of the island density on temperature that stems from the interplay and competition of the different processes involved. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.076101 PACS numbers: 68.55.-a, 61.43.Hv, 68.35.Fx, 82.40.Bj Heteroepitaxial metallic structures, such as Co=Cu multilayers represent a new material that has high potential for the development of magnetoelectronic devices. In order to control the interfacial properties it is important to achieve a quantitative understanding of the morphology that develops during growth and its dependence on the growth conditions. A standard model for the initial stages of growth is given by nucleation theory [1], where the island density n x is expressed in terms of the deposition rate F, the adatom hopping rate D D 0 exp ÿE d =k B T , and the binding energy E b of the critical nucleus of size i,The linear dependence of lnn x on 1=T is widely used to deduce quantities such as activation barriers from islanddensity measurements, when adatoms form islands on top of the substrate [2]. However, in heteroepitaxial systems, deposited atoms may incorporate into the substrate displacing substrate atoms into the growing layer [3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. The effect of site exchange is not considered in Eq. (1). A prototypical system where intermixing takes place is Co on Cu(001). A broad [5,6] and bimodal [6] island-size distribution was observed in submonolayer growth studies using scanning-tunnelling microscopy (STM) -in contrast to a Poisson-like distribution anticipated in standard nucleation theory [1]. In addition Nouvertné et al. reported that the island density at 415 K is slightly higher than at 295 K [6], which is at variance with the predictions of Eq. (1). The island composition was found to depend on the growth conditions and to vary from mostly Co to mostly Cu. Moreover, a correlation has been observed between island composition and island size [5,6].From a fundamental standpoint, it is important to extend nucleation theories to account for intermixing. However, to date, only a few studies have attempted this [4,10 -13]. Chambliss and Johnson proposed that substitutional Fe atoms constitute stable nuclei for the growth of Fe on Cu(001) [4]. By accounting for monomer stability [i 0 in Eq. (1)] at substitutional Fe pinning sites, they found that the island density is independent of F=D. Meyer and Behm assumed irreversible pinning of adatoms at substitutional nucleation centers and found that the island density goes through a minimum with increasing temperature -consistent with that...