In sensing it's the ad-hoc sensor and data routing which is an important research direction. Security work is prioritized in this area and focusing primarily at medium access control or the routing levels on denial of communication. Attacks focusing on routing protocol layer are known as resource depletion attacks in this paper. This attack impacts by persistently disabling the network and causing the node's battery power drain drastically. There are protocols established which tends to protect from DOS attacks, however it isn't possible perfectly. Vampire attack is one such DOS attack. These Vampire attacks depends on various characteristics of well-known many classes of routing protocols as these are not specific to any particular protocol. These Vampire attacks can be easily executed using even a single malicious intruder, who sends simply protocol complaint message, these attacks are thus destructing and very hard to detect. In the nastiest condition, an individual attacker has the ability to enlarge the energy usage of the network by a factor of O(N), where N is the quantity of nodes in the network. A new proof-of-concept protocol is a method discussed to mitigate these kinds of attacks. This protocol limits the damage caused at the time of packet forwarding done by Vampires. To diminish the Vampire attacks using PLGP-a which identifies malicious attack, certain approaches have also been discussed.Index Terms-Wireless networks, vampire attack, routing protocols, sensor network, ad-hoc networks.