The combustion behavior of rocket propellant grade 2 (RP-2) was investigated as a function of magnesium oxide (MgO) nanoparticles (i.e., 20 nm diameter) added at varied concentrations. The MgO nanoparticles were surface-treated with a long-chain carboxylic acid to aid their dispersion in RP-2. The fuel droplet regression rate, surface tension, and heat of combustion of RP-2 with MgO nanoparticle additives were measured to characterize combustion behavior. Heat of combustion and surface tension measurements varied negligibly among all samples indicating that calorific output and surface tension are not controlling parameters influencing fuel combustion behavior. However, fuel droplet regression rates were considerably increased by adding 0.5 wt % MgO from 0.225 to 66.16 mm/s, which is an improvement by 2 orders of magnitude. Further analysis showed that MgO particles enhance diffusive heat transfer, which promotes nucleation and disruptive burning throughout the three stages of regression, heating/evaporation (stage 1), combustion of RP-2 (stage 2), and combustion of carboxylic acid dispersant (stage 3), and, thus, lead to improved fuel droplet combustion.
■ INTRODUCTIONPropellants with improved performance are a compelling need for next-generation propulsion systems. The regression rate is an indicator of propellant performance and defines the rate that a liquid droplet surface recedes over the course of its evaporation and combustion in the presence of an ignition source. 1 An approach for improving the regression rate of rocket propellants is to include particulate additives that affect evaporation and burning behavior. Thus, understanding how solid particles influence combustion behavior is key for optimizing the performance of next-generation liquid fuels.Particle additives introduced into liquid fuels can agglomerate and, thus, work best when they are well-dispersed in the liquid. Typically, a dispersant is added to the liquid fuel, which by itself does not significantly alter the regression rate or burn rate constant but improves the dispersion quality of the particles. 2,3 The particle size is also important, and nanoparticles optimize regression far more than their micrometerscale counterparts. 4 Initial experimental work studying solid particle additives in liquid fuels focused on high concentrations of micrometer-size particles added to liquid propellant systems, but there were significant problems associated with them. Micrometer additives often agglomerate during evaporation and combustion of the fuel droplets, resulting in slow droplet regression rates and decreased combustion efficiency. 5 Later research focused on nanoparticle additives with a higher surface area to volume ratio compared to micrometer particles, facilitating more direct contact between the particles and liquid, leading to more complete combustion and higher combustion efficiency. 6,7 Gan and Qiao 4 compared the burning characteristics of ethanol-and n-decane-based fuel droplets with nano-and micrometer-sized aluminum (Al) particles...