Вісник проблем біології і медицини -2023 -Вип. 4 (171) / Bulletin of problems in biology and medicine -2023 -Issue 4 (171)
МОРФОЛОГІЯ / MORPHOLOGYsurements of the heigh and width of folds of mucosa, the thikness of lamina propria, as well as the thikness of mucosa between folds were made. For this purpose pictures of histological preparations were used, taken using a х20, х40 lens. The confidence level for morphometric studies was set at &=95. The difference between groups was considered significant when p˂0,05. All statistical calculations were performed using the software RStudio v. 1.2.5042.Results. It was found that after two weeks of experiment, the thikness of mucosa increases slightly to (14,40±2,02) μm, after 4 weeks of nalbuphine administration it is (18.40±3.60) μm, and after 6 weeks it is equal to (23,20±8.54) μm. After 2 weeks of the experiment, the thickness of the lamina propria of the mucosa also increases to (9.28±1.47) μm, after 4 weeks of nalbuphine administration it is (13.40±3.74) μm, and after 6 weeks is equal to (16.00±3.59) μm. After 2 weeks of administration of nalbuphine, there is a decrease in the length of the fold of the mucosa of the ampulla of the uterine tube of a white rat, compared to the control, to (113.00±38.60) μm, the control -(143.00±57.80) μm, p<0 ,05, after 4 weeks of nalbuphine administration it is (92.00±47.60) μm, after 6 weeks it is (53.60±29.90) μm. After 2 weeks of the experiment, the width of the fold of the mucosa also decreases to (53,00±18.80) μm, the control -(60.90±18.40) μm, p<0.05, after 4 weeks of nalbuphine administration it is (40.20±15.60) μm, and after 6 weeks it is equal to (32.10±16.10) μm.