A protein factor contained in a 1 M KCI extract of L-cell ribosomes and partially purified by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose forms a specific ternary complex with rat-liver Met-tRNAf and GTP. The complex is measured by its quantitative retention on nitrocellulose membranes. Complex assembly is optimal at 100 mM KC1 and 0.2 mM MgCl2, and is independent of mRNA and of ribosomes. The GTP requirement can be replaced over 65% by its methylene analogue GDPCH2P, indicating that GTP hydrolysis is not involved. Complex formation is inhibited by 10 MM aurintricarboxylic acid, but is unaffected by 100 MM pactamycin, 100 MM fusidic acid, or by excess uncharged methionine tRNAf. The ternary complex is relatively stable and appears at the void volume during filtration on Sephadex G-100. At 1-3 mM MgCl2 and in the presence of other factors, the ternary complex is implicated in protein initiation by (i) its capacity to bind to the 40S ribosomal subunit to form a 48S complex; and (ii) the subsequent association of the 48S complex with a 60S subunit to form a functional "80S complex."There is considerable evidence to suggest that in eukaryotes, the rate-determining step in protein synthesis occurs during the initiation phase of translation. Such a rate-limiting step has been observed in such diverse tissues as cells in mitosis (1), muscles of diabetic animals (2), livers of fasted animals (3, 4), as well as in cell cultures exposed to aminoacid-deficient medium (5, 6), temperature changes (7), and alterations in sodium-potassium ratios (8). Other studies in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes indicate that the sequence of events leading to the formation of an 80S initiation complex is mediated by the stepwise participation of specific ribosome factors (9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14). Consequently, the first steps in the initiation sequence are of particular importance if it is assumed that they represent logical sites for the operation of regulatory controls.Recent studies inI prokaryotic systems have rel)orted that one of the earliest steps in the initiation sequence is the formation of a ternary complex containing the ribosome initiation factor and GTP (15,16).In this report, we describe the in vitro formation of a eukaryotic ternary complex with similar properties, composed of a partially purified ribosome factor from L-929 mouse fibroblasts (L-cells), rat-liver Met-tRNAf, and GTP. Preliminary data were presented in a previous communication (17