Bacteriorhodopsin (BR) with the single-site substitutions Arg-82----Gln (R82Q), Asp-85----Asn (D85N), and Asp-96----Asn (D96N) is studied with time-resolved absorption spectroscopy in the time regime from nanoseconds to seconds. Time-resolved spectra are analyzed globally by using multiexponential fitting of the data at multiple wavelengths and times. The photocycle kinetics for BR purified from each mutant are determined for micellar solutions in two detergents, nonyl glucoside and CHAPSO, and are compared to results from studies on delipidated BR (d-BR) in the same detergents. D85N has a red-shifted ground-state absorption spectrum, and the formation of an M intermediate is not observed. R82Q undergoes a pH-dependent transition between a purple and a blue form with different pKa values in the two detergents. The blue form has a photocycle resembling that for D85N, while the purple form of R82Q forms an M intermediate that decays more rapidly than in d-BR. The purple form of R82Q does not light-adapt to the same extent as d-BR, and the spectral changes in the photocycle suggest that the light-adapted purple form of R82Q contains all-trans- and 13-cis-retinal in approximately equal proportions. These results are consistent with the suggestions of others for the roles of Arg-82 and Asp-85 in the photocycle of BR, but results for D96N suggest a more complex role for Asp-96 than previously suggested. In nonyl glucoside, the apparent decay of the M-intermediate is slower in D96N than in d-BR, and the M decay shows biphasic kinetics. However, the role of Asp-96 is not limited to the later steps of the photocycle. In D96N, the decay of the KL intermediate is accelerated, and the rise of the M intermediate has an additional slow phase not observed in the kinetics of d-BR. The results suggest that Asp-96 may play a role in regulating the structure of BR and how it changes during the photocycle.