There are few studies in the literature that demonstrate the behavior of controlled release nitrogen fertilization in lettuce crop. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate, through univariate and multivariate pairing, the behavior of controlled release nitrogen sources on the performance of lettuce culture. The studies were conducted at the Horta dos Coqueiros property in Mineiros-GO, Brazil. The soil analyzes were taken before the experiment implementation, in the 0 to 20 cm layer, the soil was classified as NEOSSOL Quartzarenic. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design, with a 2x2x5 factorial design corresponding to 2 lettuce genotypes (Americana cv. Lucy Brow and Crespa cv. Vanda), submitted to two controlled release N sources (NitroMais and Polyblen). doses (0, 75, 150, 225, 300 kg ha-1 of N) performing 4 repetitions. Transplantation occurred 20 days after sowing in trays, with plant spacing of 30x30. Data collection occurred 45 days after transplantation used 5 central plants of each plot. The analyzes were performed in the Rbio R interface, besides the Genes Software. The analysis of variance revealed triple interaction among the variables. Quadratic effect was expressed for both genotypes on protected nitrogen sources. For high performance of lettuce cultura in the Americana genotype cv. Lucy Brown recommends the application of protected nitrogen Polyblen at a concentration of 217.50 and NitroMais at 174.38 kg ha-1 of N, as well as the source Polyblen at a dose of 146.50 kg ha-1 of N in the genotype Crespa cv. Vanda. Highlighted Conclusions 1. High performance of lettuce crop in the genotype Americana cv. Lucy Brown recommends the application of controlled release nitrogen Polyblen at a concentration of 217.50 and NitroMais at 174.38 kg ha-1 of N. 2. In the Crespa cv. Vanda, the Polyblen source is at a dose of 146.50 kg ha-1 of N.