Infusion of dipyridamole has been suggested as an alternative to exercise stress for myocardial perfusion imaging for detection of ischemia, but the mechanism and significance of thallium-201 (201T1) Hg), but an unchanged total coronary flow (53 ± 8 to 52 8 ml/min; p = NS) and stenosis gradient, and hence, stenosis resistance. Although transmural flow was unaltered in the stenotic region after dipyridamole, epicardial flow increased from 1.00 0.18 to 1.27 ± 0.47 ml/min/g and endocardial flow fell from 0.65 + 0.15 to 0.50 ± 0.22 ml/min/g, resulting in an endocardial/epicardial flow gradient. In the range of transmural flow values between 0. 10 and 1 .4 ml/min/g, the intrinsic 20 Tl washout rate became more prolonged as flow decreased. Thus, in the presence of a critical coronary stenosis, the dipyridamole-induced fall in systemic arterial pressure and distal coronary perfusion caused a subnormal endocardial blood flow and ischemia, resulting in a prolonged intrinsic myocardial 201T1 efflux rate. The disparate 201T1 efflux rates in normal and underperfused myocardium can explain delayed redistribution observed after dipyridamole infusion in the presence of a coronary stenosis. Circulation 71, No. 2, 378-386, 1985. MYOCARDIAL perfusion imaging has been performed during coronary vasodilation produced by intravenously administered dipyridamole both for detecting coronary artery disease"'2 and for identifying high-risk patients after myocardial infarction.'3 This potent coronary vasodilator enhances regional myocardial blood flow in zones supplied by normal coronary arteries but not in myocardium perfused by obstructed vessels, resulting in flow inhomogeneity. Since