Abstract.Between 1999 and 2000 a large experimental knapping programme was carried out at the early hominin site of Sterkfontein, South Africa. Its purpose was to assess aspects of the technology of lithic production found in the Oldowan and Acheulean deposits at the site. The data was used to inform technological analysis of the Sterkfontein stone tool assemblages. In the light of more recent research on raw material selection and transport at East African Oldowan sites, we report on the conclusions drawn from the analysis of the experimental cores to assess their contribution to understanding the influence of raw materials on knapping in the Oldowan and Acheulean at Sterkfontein. Hominins practised raw material selectivity and adapted their knapping strategies to fit clast shape and lithology. The experimental programme offered the opportunity to analyse some of the variables commonly involved in reconstructing lithic behaviour from artefacts and found, as with other studies reported elsewhere, that linear relationships based on one, or a few supposedly diagnostic variables do not stand up to scrutiny.
Sterkfontein is one of a series of sites from the Cradle of Humankind WorldHeritage Site in Gauteng, South Africa (Kuman, 2007). Currently it is one of the best dated Oldowan and Early Acheulean localities in South Africa (Clarke, 2006;Granger et al., 2015;Herries and Shaw, 2011;Kuman and Clarke, 2000), and has the largest Oldowan assemblage yet recovered from this region (Kuman and Clarke, 2000;Kuman and Field, 2009). The Oldowan was excavated from Member 5 east breccia (Oldowan infill). The Acheulean was excavated from two locations, the Member 5 east Acheulean, overlying the Oldowan infill, and Member 5 west breccia. The Oldowan has been recently redated to 2.18 mya and the Acheulean is currently dated to 1.7-1.4 mya (Granger et al., 2015;Kuman, 2007). Detailed stratigraphies and descriptions of the lithic assemblages are provided elsewhere (Field, 1999;Kuman, 2007;Kuman and Clarke, 2000;Kuman and Field, 2009;Kuman et al., 2005;Stratford et al., 2012).
The experimental knapping programme and its research aims.
4Between 1999 and 2000 a large knapping programme was instigated in order to explore aspects of the relationship between the raw materials used at the site and the knapping techniques involved in producing Oldowan and Acheulean cores and flakes. These data contributed to technological analysis and description of the Sterkfontein assemblages published elsewhere (Kuman and Field, 2009;Kuman et al., 2005).More recently, the notion of the Oldowan as having been an industry that heavily exploited mostly local raw material resources has been significantly challenged by increasing evidence for the careful selection and transport of specific raw materials over considerable distances (Harmand 2008), as well as a greater selection of specific local raw materials closer to sites. These behaviours have a considerable time depth -from as early as 2.34 mya at Lokalalei, West Turkana, Kenya, and only slightly later e...