Effects of opioid peptide antisera treatment on the secretion of thyrotropin (TSH) and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) in rats were studied. Anti-β-endorphin antisemm, anti-methionine-enkephalin antiserum, or antidynorphin antiserum was injected intraperitoneally and the rats were serially decapitated. TRH levels in the hypothalamus along with plasma TRH, TSH and thyroid hormone levels were measured by individual radioimmunoassay. TRH contents in the hypothalamus decreased significantly after opioid peptide antisera treatment, while its plasma levels tended to decrease, but not significantly. Plasma TSH levels increased significantly after opioid peptide antisera injection. Plasma TRH and TSH level responses to cold as well as plasma TSH level response to TRH were enhanced with treatment of antisera to these peptides. Plasma 3,3’,5-triiodothyronine levels increased significantly after treatment of antisera to these peptides. From these findings it is concluded that the treatment of opioid peptide antisera stimulates TRH and TSH secretion in rats.