There is considerable evidence that purines are vasoactive molecules involved in the regulation of blood flow. Adenosine is a well known vasodilator that also acts as a modulator of the response to other vasoactive substances. Adenosine exerts its effects by interacting with adenosine receptors. These are metabotropic G-protein coupled receptors and include four subtypes, A 1 , A 2A , A 2B and A 3 . Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a co-transmitter in vascular neuroeffector junctions and is known to activate two distinct types of P2 receptors, P2X (ionotropic) and P2Y (metabotropic). ATP can exert either vasoconstrictive or vasorelaxant effects, depending on the P2 receptor subtype involved. Splanchnic vascular beds are of particular interest, as they receive a large fraction of the cardiac output. This review focus on purinergic receptors role in the splanchnic vasomotor control. Here, we give an overview on the distribution and diversity of effects of purinergic receptors in splanchnic vessels. Pre-and post-junctional receptormediated responses are summarized. Attention is also given to the interactions between purinergic receptors and other receptors in the splanchnic circulation.