At present advanced projects of the early XXI century are beginning to develop. These projects include lunar base development and manned missions to Mars. The space suit is one of the basic requirements for successful implementation of future programs. The space suit enclosure enables mobility of crewmembers wearing pressurized space suits which will be required to complete these missions. Requirements on Planetary Space Suit (PSS) enclosure design, especially for elements providing mobility of the lower torso assembly will be different from these on orbital space suit enclosure design, intended for zero gravity conditions. The PSS enclosure provides cosmonaut/astronaut movement on planetary exploration surfaces, ascent/descent of the Landing Module ladder, suited crewmember's bending etc. Thus this PSS component will play a considerable role in successful fulfillment of extra-vehicular activity (EVA) tasks on planetary surfaces. The paper comprises the following: n Analysis of the specific environmental conditions and EVA characteristics on the Moon and Mars n Major PSS enclosure requirements n PSS enclosure design concepts analysis n PSS lower torso assembly concept for the Moon and Mars