The flux from a one-dimensional (1-D) artificial pit electrode corroding under a salt film was examined using experimental and modeling techniques. Finite element simulations showed that the flux at shallow depths was consistently lower than analytically determined calculations for 1-D Fickian diffusion. This deviation was due to a substantial contribution of the external hemispherical boundary layer to the overall diffusion length. Increasing the pit diameter resulted in a larger boundary layer, which in turn affected the flux characteristics to greater depths. Data from experiments and simulation converged with the theoretical 1-D calculations only when pit depths approached nearly ten times the pit diameter. The experimental data from this artificial pit study as well as data from related published work were observed to span the range bounded by the numerically simulated and the analytically determined flux predictions. Comparison with published pit stability phenomenology showed that only deep pits provided kinetic data based on the cation concentration gradient unadulterated by bulk chloride effects. Finally, this work also provided insight into the origin of the dependence of the measured repassivation potential with pit depth, contributing towards a quantitative framework relating the various critical factors governing pitting. The stable growth of corrosion pits requires the presence of an aggressive chemistry at the corroding surface as characterized by a high metal chloride concentration and low pH.1,2 The conditions leading to the maintenance of such chemistry were mathematically considered by Galvele 3 through an investigation of the steady state relationship between metal dissolution and mass transport 4,5 out of a one-dimensional (1-D) pit. For the case of a 1-D pit, it was theoretically demonstrated that a minimum critical value of cation flux -expressed as the product of the current density and the pit depth, (i·x) -was necessary for the pit to maintain a critical chemistry and thus stably corrode. As such, should the product of the current density and the pit depth fall below this critical value, repassivation would set in due to the loss of the aggressive chemistry. Subsequent studies on stainless steel pitting referred to this parameter and equivalent relationships for other pit geometries as the pit stability product. 6,7 This critical pit stability product (denoted (i·x) crit ) has been employed as the anodic stability parameter to determine the maximum pit size that can be attained on a particular metal surface in a given corrosive environment.
8-11Experimental results obtained using the artificial pit or lead-inpencil electrode 12-17 can be directly used to quantify 1-D dissolution kinetics because the construction of this electrode results in inert walls surrounding a single active surface 13,14,16 corroding under a precipitated salt film 18-24 upon the application of high anodic potential in corrosive solution. The presence of the salt film results in diffusionlimited dissolution conditi...