The effect of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEpo) on megakaryopoiesis remains controversial. Treatment with rHuEpo in renal failure patients has been associated with a slight elevation of platelet counts. In animal studies, high doses of rHuEpo produced an increase of platelet counts followed by a gradual return to normal after 7 to 15 days or even a substantial degree of thrombocytopenia. However, because iron deficiency is also known to be associated with thrombocytosis, (functional) iron deficiency during rHuEpo could be contributing to these observations. We investigated the impact of iron supply on changes in platelet counts induced by rHuEpo. Rats were either fed normal food (normal rats) or received 1% carbonyl iron for 2 weeks or 3 months, as well as during the experiment, to achieve iron supplementation or overload, respectively. Rats of all three categories then received daily intravenous injections of rHuEpo (10, 50, or 150 U) or normal saline (0 U) for 20 days. With 0 to 10 U rHuEpo, platelets remained stable. In normal rats receiving 50 to 150 U rHuEpo, platelets increased to 120% to 140% of baseline at 4 to 12 days to level off at 120% at 16 to 20 days. This response was less sustained in splenectomized animals. Iron-supplemented rats receiving 50 to 150 U rHuEpo also increased platelets initially, but the peak was at day 4, followed by a gradual return to baseline and even a moderate thrombocytopenia later on. Iron-overloaded rats receiving 50 to 150 U rHuEpo also had increased platelets at day 4, but the duration of platelet increase was shorter, and they experienced a more pronounced degree of thrombocytopenia in proportion to the dose of rHuEpo. Because the early elevation of platelets was of larger magnitude than hematocrit changes, it is unlikely that it could be accounted for by shrinkage of plasma volume. Because it was observed in all three iron conditions, there appears to be some direct positive effect of rHuEpo on platelet production. However, after this transient effect, expanded erythropoiesis appears to exert a negative impact upon platelet production. Secondary thrombocytopenia was not related to splenic pooling, and its very slow correction after cessation of rHuEpo therapy is not compatible with changes in platelet survival. Rather, it is consistent with stem cell competition between erythroid and megakaryocytic development. However, this secondary thrombocytopenia is masked by (functional) iron deficiency in rats not receiving an adequate iron supply from food or stores.