Sheetz and Spudich (1983, Nature (Lond.), 303:31-35) showed that ATP-dependent movement of myosin along actin filaments can be measured in vitro using myosin-coated beads and oriented actin cables from Nitella. To establish this in vitro movement as a quantitative assay and to understand better the basis for the movement, we have defined the factors that affect the myosinbead velocity. Beads coated with skeletal muscle myosin move at a rate of 2-6 tzm/s, depending on the myosin preparation. This velocity is independent of myosin concentration on the bead surface for concentrations above a critical value (~20 ~g myosin/2.5 x 109 beads of 1 #m in diameter). Movement is optimal between pH 6.8 and 7.5, at KCl concentrations <70 mM, at ATP concentrations >0.1 mM, and at Mg 2+ concentrations between 2 and 6 mM. From the temperature dependence of bead velocity, we calculate activation energies of 90 kJ/mol below 22 °C and 40 kJ/mol above 22 °C. Different myosin species move at their own characteristic velocities, and these velocities are proportional to their actin-activated ATPase activities. Further, the velocities of beads coated with smooth or skeletal muscle myosin correlate well with the known in vivo rates of myosin movement along actin filaments in these muscles. This in vitro assay, therefore, provides a rapid, reproducible method for quantitating the ATP-dependent movement of myosin molecules on actin.Movement of myosin on actin filaments is believed to drive many cellular motile processes. According to the model of H. E. Huxley (9), myosin converts the energy of ATP into mechanical energy through a conformational change while it is bound to actin. Furthermore, it is generally believed that each myosin molecule acts as an independent force generator (8) and that many molecules, when coupled and acting asynchronously, provide steady movement along polar actin filaments. Until recently, actual displacement of myosin relative to actin had only been quantitated in the muscle sarcomere. The development of an in vitro assay, using myosin-coated beads to follow the position of the myosin on oriented actin cables from Nitella (22), now allows measurement of the rate of movement of various types of myosin on actin filaments under controlled ionic conditions. From our previous calculations (22), we expected that the myosin-bead velocity would be similar to the maximum velocity of contraction of the muscle from which the myosin was derived. Because the actin-activated ATPase activities of myosins generally correlate with the respective muscle contraction velocities, we expected a further correspondence between bead velocity and actin-activated ATPase activity. In this study we show that these correlations do indeed hold.The oriented polar actin cables used in the in vitro assay are derived from a dissected Nitella cell. Thus, the actin substratum, aside from its high degree of spatial organization (10, 11), is not well defined. It was important, therefore, to define the limits of salt concentrations and other ...