High rainfall and the corresponding low herbage DM content has been shown to adversely affect cattle intakes and production. This could arise from physical restrictions on intake or digestion rate, or other behavioural limitations such as reduced palatability. A knowledge of the reason for the intake reduction would assist in determining the optimum supplement to feed. Eight steers were offered four diets in a changeover design. The diets were: A, cut herbage; B, cut herbage with added surface water; C, as B but with a low dry matter (DM) forage supplement (silage); and D, as B but with a high DM forage supplement (hay). The addition of surface water to herbage reduced DM intake and feeding time but had no effect on biting rate or rate of intake. Neither hay nor silage was eaten in sufficient quantities to restore DM intake, even though the silage was of similar nutrient composition to the herbage.