Objective: This study; It is carried out to determine the yield and content of yield elements of soybeans by applying different doses of soil (0, 2, 4, 8 kg Zn/ha) and foliar (% 0, 4, 8 kg Zn/ha).
Materials and Methods: Arısoy variety was used as material in the research. Programmed field trials, which were examined with different doses of foliar and soil applications, were carried out with 3 replications according to the randomized block factorial trial design. In zinc fertilization, four doses (0, 2, 4 and 8 kg Zn/ha) were produced from the soil and three doses (0, 4 and 8% ZnSO4.7H2O) were produced from the leaves. Zinc-sulfate fertilizer (ZnSO4.7H2O; 21%Zn) was used as the fertilizer formula. Protein and crude oil ratio analyzes were determined on the "Near Infrared Reflection" (NIRS) device with the IC-0923FE soybean calibration set. The data obtained in the study were analyzed with the JMP statistical program and the differences between the averages found to be significant were evaluated by applying the LSD multiple comparison test.
Results: As a result of the research; plant height 95.01-108.33 cm, first pod height 12.98-15.95 cm, number of branches per plant 4.67-6.73, number of pods per plant 62.03-118.40, number of grains per plant 149.73-254.36, number of grains per pod 1.99-2.54, weight of 100 seeds varied between 16.06-18.31 g, seed yield 3443.2-5897.1 kg/ha, grain protein rate 42.62-44.18%, crude oil rate 19.84-20.29%, crude oil yield 692.9-1193.5 kg/ha. While the effects of zinc application doses from the soil on the number of branches in the plant, the number of pods in the plant, 100 seed weight and seed yield were found to be statistically significant, the effect of the application of foliar and soil together on the number of grains in the plant and crude oil yield was significant, while its effect on other characteristics was found to be significant. was found to be insignificant.
Conclusion: As a result of the study; In soybeans, the highest seed yield per unit area (5193.8 kg/ha) and crude oil yield (1041.0 kg/ha) were obtained by applying 4 kg Zn fertilizer per hectare to the soil.