The rest period of the potato tuber was studied in relation to certain biochemical changes that are induced by gibberellic acid (GA3). The concentration of reducing sugars in excised plugs with buds treated with 10-M GA3 decreased in the first 4 hours after treatment and then rapidly increased up to 70 hours. The pattern in control buds was similar, but the changes occurred more slowly. The response to GAs is temperature-dependent and is not limited to any particular tissue of the tuber. The concentration of reducing sugars in excised buds increased proportionally to the log of the concentration of GA3 in a range from 10-8 to 10-4 M.At 10-3 M, GA3 slightly inhibited production of reducing (1,3,9,13,29,35,38,40). Application of gibberellic acid promotes sprouting of intact tubers during tuber development or after they are harvested as marketable (23,36,38 the level of enzymes associated with carbohydrate metabolism (4,19,25,32). There is mounting evidence that the hormone can induce synthesis of several hydrolytic enzymes (6,14,20,49,50). Working with Avena fatua, Simpson and Naylor (44) noted that the activity of maltase was higher in imbibed nondormant seeds than in imbibed dormant seeds. Gibberellin A3 caused an increase in maltase in dormant seeds, with a resultant increase in sugar production. Moreover, whereas excised nondormant embryos would grow on a sugar-amino acid medium, dormant embryos would grow on this medium only if GA3 was present (45). Thus in A. fatua, GA3 appears to have dual functions-to induce in the aleurone layers synthesis of enzymes that hydrolyze carbohydrate reserves and to induce in the embryo enzymes that utilize the resulting substrates. Development of cell wall invertase in tissue slices of Helianthus tuberosa in response to GA3 was observed by Edelman and Hall (10, 11) and Bacon, MacDonald, and Knight (2). Palmer (34) reported similar results with root slices of Beta vulgaris L.The expectation that GA3 would promote protein synthesis in potato buds was heightened by the observation that GA3 accelerates synthesis of RNA and DNA in excised buds from resting potatoes (39,41,49). We have shown (7) that reducing sugar content of potato buds increased shortly after excision, and the increase was accelerated by treatment with the hormone. It was therefore of interest to explore certain biochemical responses that occur in potato buds shortly after excision and treatment with GA3.
MATERIALS AND METHODSPLANT MATERIALS White Rose potatoes were harvested 100 to 120 days after planting at which time they were in deep rest. The tubers were washed by hand and placed in the dark at 200. They were used within 3 days after harvest and were cooled to 00 hr before an experiment was begun; thereafter all procedures associated with preparation of plugs were at this temperature. In most experiments plugs with an apical bud (eye) were excised with a potato "deeyer" (internal diameter 0.8 cm) and cut to a length of 0.5 cm (35). In some experiments, 0.2 cm x 0.2 cm plugs with a bud were used. Such...