The activity of selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase (GPX), liver concentration of vitamin E, and plasma and liver selenium levels were used for estimation of the antioxidant status of broiler chickens infected with Ascaridia galli. These biomarkers were recorded in an experiment covering 70 days p.i. At the same time the establishment rate of A. galli in chicken intestines, gain in the host body weight and chicken survival were studied. Broiler chickens (Cobb hybrids) were infected with 1450 embryonated A. galli eggs and treated with Sel-plex. A mathematical model was applied to determine the rate of nematode reduction and the relative rate of gain of host body weight, which are essential kinetic parameters of parasite-host interaction. The activity of GPX increased with both elevated selenium and reduced infection levels. The concentrations of selenium and vitamin E, and the GPX activity in the infected chickens demonstrated a similar pattern of change with time after day 30 p.i. The supplementation of the broilers with dietary selenium in the form of Sel-plex improved their antioxidant status. Increases by 29% in vitamin E concentration, 15% in GPX activity, and 22% in liver selenium concentration, respectively, were recorded in the infected and treated, compared to infected and untreated broilers.