This study describes
the use of amino acid quantitation and amino-acid-specific
isotope ratio analysis of scalp hair of American individuals to predict
soft biometric traits about the donors. The scalp hair of each donor
was washed, dried, homogenized and acid hydrolyzed before analysis
using liquid chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (LC-IRMS).
A variety of statistical tests examined the relationships between
the amino acid variables and biometric questionnaire responses, the
latter of which could be assessed as continuous variablesin
the case of age or body mass index (BMI)or as categorical
variables in the case of sex and alcohol consumption. Correlations
between biometric factors and amino acid δ
13C values were more significant after controlling for the
extent of 13C in the subjects’ diets. Multivariate
analysis revealed that the sex of a donor could be correctly predicted
with cross-validated accuracies of 80% using the isotope ratios and
89% using amino acid quantities. Using amino acid δ
13C values or quantities, the age of a subject could only
be predicted with an accuracy of ±27 years (95% CI). Hair treatments,
such as chemical straitening and dying, did not have any measurable
effect on the isotope ratios or quantities of amino acids in the hair.
Unexpectedly, the δ
13C values of
sulfur-containing amino acids were significantly different between
teetotalers and subjects who consumed alcohol daily. Further refinement
of this study, including larger cohorts with controlled behavioral
states or genetic factors, could provide helpful investigative leads
in forensic casework.