The objective of the current study was to examine the effect of fibrous pulp and partial substitution of soybean meal with green protein concentrate from biorefining of grass-clover on dry matter intake, milk production, digestibility, and eating behavior in dairy cows compared with untreated grass-clover silage and soybean meal. Biorefining of grass-clover occurred right after harvest in a production-scale twin-screw press. The twin-screw pressing separated the grass-clover into a pulp and a green juice. The green juice was fermented using lactic acid bacteria for protein precipitation and then decanted, and the precipitate was heat dried to constitute the green protein concentrate. From the same field, grass-clover was harvested 6 d later due to rainy weather and was prewilted before ensiling. The pulp and the grass-clover were ensiled in bales without additives. The production trial consisted of an incomplete 6 × 4 Latin square trial (3-wk periods; 12 wk total) including 36 lactating Holstein cows. The trial had 6 treatments in a 2 × 3 factorial design with 2 forage types (grass-clover silage and pulp silage) and 3 protein treatments (low protein, high protein with soybean meal, and high protein with a mixture of soybean meal and green protein). The trial was designed to test silage type, protein type, protein level, and the interaction between protein level and silage type. The forage: concentrate ratio was 55:45 in low protein total mixed rations (TMR) and 51:49 in high protein TMR. Low protein and high protein TMR were composed of 372 and 342 g/kg of DM of experimental silages, respectively, and green protein supplemented TMR was composed of 28.5 g/kg of DM of green protein. Silage type did not affect dry matter intake of cows. The average energy-corrected milk yield was 37.0 and 33.4 kg/d for cows fed pulp silage and grass-clover silage, respectively, resulting in an improved feed efficiency in the cows receiving pulp silage. Milk fat concentration was greater in milk from cows fed pulp silage, and milk protein concentration was lower compared with milk from cows fed grass-clover silage. The in vivo digestibility of crude protein and neutral detergent fiber was greater for pulp silage diets compared with grass-clover silage diets. Eating rate was greater, whereas daily eating duration was lower, for pulp silage diets compared with grass-clover silage diets. The partial substitution of soybean meal with green protein did not affect dry matter intake, milk yield, or eating behavior. The in vivo digestibility of crude protein in green protein supplemented diets was lower compared with soybean meal diets. The results imply that extraction of protein from grassland plants can increase the value of the fiber part of grassland plants.