Kodrolron E-lficlr m d flr/e,cf\ i n Sohd5, 1994, Vol. 132, pp 32'1-338 Reprint\ a\dilahle directly from the publhher Photocopying permitted by Iicen*e only 0 I Y W OPA (Ovci\ea\ Publi\her\ Awxxatlon) Amhlerdam B V Puhlished under Iicen*e hy Gordon and Bredih Science Publi\her\ SAThe effect of irradiation with low energy argon ions (40 KeV, and fuences of 10'' to l o " ionslcm') on deposited thin films of Fe-30% Ni alloy was investigated using RBS and TEM techniques. The thickness of these films is ahout 65 T I0 nm deposited on ceramic, KBr, and Be foils substrates. Gas bubble formation and profile distribution of the implanted argon ioiia were investigated. Formation of an ordered phase of Fe,Ni during irradiation appears to inhibit gas bubble formation.