To investigate whether pituitary-dependent hormones may regulate galanin (GAL) content, synthesis and distribution in the hypothalamus, female hypophysectomized Wistar rats were treated for 2 weeks with subcutaneous injections of thyroxine (T4, 2 × 1 µg), bovine growth hormone (GH, 2 × 12 5 µg), cortisol (C, 50 µg), subcutaneous implants of β-estradiol (E2, 5-mm implant, dilution 1:1), or with the combinations [T4+GH], [T4+GH+C+E2] or [T4+GH+C+E2 + rat PRL, 2 × 125 µg] (doses/100 g BW/day). Concentrations of GAL in the hypothalamus were measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA) and GAL mRNA abundance was quantified by Northern blot (6 rats/group); 2 rats/group were used for immunohistochemistry. Hypophysectomy caused decreases of hypothalamic GAL peptide and mRNA concentrations (by 70 and 50%, respectively; p < 0.05 vs. intact rats). GAL immunoreactivity disappeared in the median eminence (ME), but increased in the neurohypophyseal magnocellular neurons of hypophysectomized rats. Substitution with T4, GH, [T4+GH], C or E2 had no significant effect on total hypothalamic GAL peptide and GAL mRNA concentrations. A treatment combining [T4+GH+C+E2] increased hypothalamic GAL (1.9 ± 0.1 vs. 1.2 ± 0.1 ng/mg protein in untreated hypophysectomized rats; p < 0.01) and GAL mRNA concentrations (127 ± 19 vs. 59 ± 2 densitometric units in untreated rats, p < 0.001). Addition of PRL to this combined treatment had no further effect. Treatment with T4, GH, [T4+GH] or E2 enhanced GAL labeling in the ME of hypophysectomized rats. The effect of estrogens was restricted to the GnRH-rich lateral regions of the ME. The combined treatment with [T4+GH+C+E2] restored the ME GAL immunoreactivity to levels observed in intact rats. In contrast, the increased GAL labeling observed in magnocellular neurons after hypophysectomy was not influenced by any hormonal treatment. In conclusion, hypophysectomy leads to marked reductions of hypothalamic GAL and GAL mRNA concentrations, and of GAL immunoreactivity in the ME. These reductions are prevented in part by a combined hormonal treatment associating T4, GH, C and E2, but not by any hormone given alone. This suggests specific pituitary hormone-dependent regulation of the hypophysiotropic GAL neurons. In contrast, the increased GAL labeling in magnocellular neurons of hypophysectomized rats persists despite hormonal treatment and likely represents a lesional effect on the neurohypophyseal GAL system.