Summary: Cerebral ischemia provokes sequential changes that include EEG suppression, anoxic depolar ization (AD) with maximal increases in extracellular po tassium ion activity (K + 0 ) ' and anoxia with maximal de creases in tissue oxygen tension (tPOz) and increases in the reduction/oxidation (redox) ratios of the mitochon drial electron transport carriers. Studies were directed toward relationships among these events during cerebral ischemia ("four-vessel occlusion model" ) in pentobar bital anesthetized rats. Results demonstrate that EEG suppression and anoxic depolarization do not occur as a simple function of progressive oxygen decline during ce rebral ischemia. Rates of K + elevation, tPOz decline, andInterruption of brain circulation quickly causes loss of functional activity and threatens irreversible injury. Studies to understand mechanisms of such injury have identified a reproducible sequence of changes produced by cerebral ischemia that in cludes suppression of EEG and evoked potential activity, shifts in transmembrane ion gradients (H + , Na + , K + , Cl-, and Ca 2 + ) and anoxic depolariza tion (AD), and fluid shifts to the intracellular com partment and shrinkage of the extracellular space (e.g., Van Harreveld and Ochs, 1956;Hansen and Zeuthen, 1981; Harris et aI., 1981 Harris et aI., , 1987 Siemko wicz and Hansen, 1981;Hansen, 1985; Siesj6 and Received May 9, 1990;
407cytochrome a,a3 reduction were decreased in the imme diate period following EEG suppression. Latency to EEG suppression was inversely correlated with latency to maximal cytochrome reduction. In contrast, AD was as sociated with increased rates of tPOz decline and cy tochrome a,a3 reduction. Latency to AD was related to latency of subsequent maximal cytochrome a,a3 reduc tion. These data suggest that EEG suppression spares oxygen while AD accelerates the progression to energy failure by accelerating the decline in oxygen stores in brain following global ischemia. Key Words: EEG Anoxic depolarization-Potassium-Oxygen-Cerebral ischemia.Bengtsson, 1989). Metabolic concomitants of cere bral ischemia are those expected of a deteriorated energy state induding decreases in phosphocreatine (PCr), ATP, and glycogen with increases in lactate and in reduction/oxidation (redox) ratios of the elec tron carriers of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (e.g., Rosenthal et aI., 1976;Siesj6, 1978; Naruse et aI., 1984; Mayevsky et aI., 1985).Although EEG and ion transport activity are widely used to indicate consequences of ischemia following reperfusion, mechanisms underlying EEG suppression and AD during ischemia are not well defined. What is known is that changes in EEG and evoked potentials more sensitively indicate blood flow decreases than does anoxic depolarization. For example, electrical suppression occurred more rapidly than AD during global ischemia and at higher flow rates during oligemia (e.g., Astrup et aI., 1977; Branston et aI., 1977;Astrup, 1982). Also, irreversible injury was more closely associated with loss of ion homeosta...