Ectopic pregnancy, the implantation of a fertilized zygote outside the uterine cavity, presents with abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. Diagnosis relies on clinical signs, and treatment involves surgery or methotrexate in selected cases. A 24-year-old woman at 37 weeks of gestation underwent elective cesarean delivery under general anesthesia, revealing an unexpected broad ligament ectopic pregnancy. The live fetus and placenta were successfully delivered without complications. The study reports a rare asymptomatic broad ligament ectopic pregnancy until 37 weeks, diagnosed by laparotomy—treatment involved removing the ovary and placenta and preserving the uterus. A healthy male baby and mother recovered well. This rare ectopic pregnancy, with placental implantation in the broad ligament, resulted in a successful cesarean delivery of a healthy infant and complication-free recovery, highlighting the importance of timely diagnosis and skilled surgical intervention.