The purpose of this research is to know the level of care of information technology users on information data security. The utilization of information technology in supporting corporate objectives must be balanced with the level of infrastructure support and user care for data security. The company, more likely to build and develop infrastructure that can support every business process of the company, regardless of the level of care and knowledge of its users. Users play an important role in supporting the security of information data either personally or in the company’s information data. So, to be able to assess and improve data security in the company is required not only the increased infrastructure, but the care and knowledge of users in supporting each company’s business processes supported by the use of technology Information. The method used was evaluating the user by auditing the user’s level of knowledge and concern for the security of information data, so that the level of user care is available. Information security in support of each company’s business processes. The results obtained in this study are the overall level of user care is at a level with an average percentage of 75.64% of users concerned about data security. In detail, the company’s support level to data security is high enough with 98% of users should follow the procedures set by the company in using information technology. Inversely proportional to the low level of user care, 42% of company users ignore concern about data security demonstrated by behavior not using log in facility. With these results, the company needs to increase the user’s level of concern for data security by providing regulations related to the use of information technology, as well as support for increasing user knowledge in order to secure data personal and corporate can be maintained properly.