In Experiment 1, three groups of rats were trained on one of three serial patterns consisting of different numbers of .045-g food pellets, either the simple strong monotonic pattern 14-7-3-1-0 (Group SM) or one of two complex weak monotonic patterns, 14-5-5-1-0 (Group 5-5) or 14-9-1-1-0 (Group 1-1). Learning to anticipate the terminal O-pellet element occurred faster in Group 1-1 than in Group SM, which in turn learned faster than Group 5-5. In Experiment 2, Groups SM, 5-5, and 1-1 were trained on the first four elements of the patterns experienced by their Experiment 1 counterparts and then were tested for their ability to extrapolate the series to include the addition of a O-pellet element in the fifth position. Extrapolation behavior was better in Group 1-1 than in Group SM, which in turn performed better than Group 5-5. The results were shown to be consistent with a memory-discrimination model of serial learning and inconsistent with a rule-learning model based on pattern complexity.Rats can learn to anticipate one or more elements of an ordered series of different numbers of .045-g food pellets. What is theoretically interesting is that some series are easier to learn than others. For example, Hulse and Dorsky (1977) reported faster learning of slow running in anticipation of nonreward, or 0 pellets, when that event terminated the strong monotonic (SM) series 14-7-3-1-0 than when it terminated the nonmonotonic (NM) series 14-1-3-7-0 or the weak monotonic (WM) series 14-5-5-1-0. Capaldi and Molina (1979), on the other hand, reported faster learning to anticipate 0 pellets in the NM pattern 1-29-0 than in the SM pattern 20-10-0, and better learning on the WM patterns 14-14-2-0 and 15-15-0-0 than on the SM pattern 15-10-5-0.Hulse (1978) hypothesized that rats induce a rule governing the formal structure of a pattern, the ease of anticipation learning being directly related to the simplicity of the rule. According to this view, the SM pattern can bedescribed by the relatively simple rule that each element (E) is smaller than the preceding element, that is, E(i) > E(i+ 1). The WM pattern 14-5-5-1-0, on the other hand, is defined by the rule(s) E(i) > E(i + 1) and E(2) = E(3) (Hulse & Dorsky, 1977). Discovering the rule E(i) > E(i + 1) is presumably easier than learning both that rule and the exception E(2) = E(3), and so the 14-7-3-1-0 series is learned faster than the 14-5-5-1-0 series.Capaldi (e.g., Capaldi & Molina, 1979;Capaldi, Verry, & Davidson, 1980a) has proposed a memory-discrimination learning model of serial learning in which the anticipatory mechanism is the signal value associated with the memory of one or more prior elements. Of very conThese experiments were supported by a Faculty