Based on ray tracing in a smooth ionosphere described by the IRI‐2012 model we have inferred the seasonal‐diurnal dynamics of radio noise observed by four mid‐latitude high‐frequency (HF) radars. In the calculations, noise is assumed to be homogeneous and stationary, but the main contribution comes from the radar skip zone boundary due to focusing radiowaves effect. Noise absorption along the ray path is simulated from the IRI‐2012 electron density, and from the molecular nitrogen density and electron temperatures obtained from the NRLMSISE‐00 model. Earth magnetic field is not taken into account both in the absorption and ray‐tracing calculations due to insufficient accuracy of the ionospheric model. The model results are compared with experimental radar data, and good agreement between the two is demonstrated. It is shown that experimentally observed seasonal and diurnal dynamics of the noise correlates well with model predictions. We demonstrated saturation effect at low noise levels. The model makes it possible to estimate the amount of absorption in D‐ and E‐layers using noise observations at SuperDARN and SuperDARN‐like poleward‐oriented radars, especially at mid‐latitudes. This is important for the retrieval of long term variations in the electron density in the lower ionosphere, by using wide coverage provided by these radars' network. The model also makes it feasible to interpret vertical absorption by experimental noise observations, thereby significantly expanding the capability of HF radars to monitor the lower ionosphere, and to provide data for joint analysis with other data, obtained by these radars at E‐ and F‐layer heights.