1 The effects of leukotriene D4 (LTD4) on the mechanical properties of smooth muscle cells from the guinea-pig basilar artery were investigated in whole and chemically skinned muscle strips.2 In strips with an intact endothelium, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; 10pM), LTD4 and LTC4 (1I M), STA2 (1 nM-IO nM) and high K+ (30 mM-128 mM) generated contractions. These comprised an initial phasic and subsequently generated tonic response with different amplitudes. Acetylcholine (ACh, 0.1-10pM) inhibited and methylene blue (1-101Mm) enhanced the tonic component of these contractions in endothelium-intact muscle strips. In endothelium-denuded tissues, methylene blue had no effect on mechanical responses and ACh produced a further contraction in the presence of LTD4. 3 When the endothelium was removed, the amplitude of contractions induced by all tested stimulants markedly increased. In intact muscle strips, the order of potency for the production of a maximum response was; 128 mm K+ > STA2 > LTD4= LTC4 = 5-HT. Following removal of the endothelium; STA2> 128 mm K' > LTD4 = LTC4 > 5-HT. 4 In endothelium-denuded strips, the selective LTD4 antagonists, ONO-RS-411 and FPL 55712 inhibited the LTD4-induced contraction. In contrast, guanethidine, prazosin, yohimbine, atropine and mepyramine had no effect. Indomethacin and a thromboxane A2(TXA2) antagonist, ONO-3708 also had no effect on LTD4-induced contractions in endothelium-denuded strips. 5 In endothelium-denuded strips, nifedipine inhibited the tonic contraction induced by LTD4 but not the phasic component. In Ca2 +-free solution containing 2 mm EGTA, LTD4 produced only the phasic contractions. 6 In saponin-treated chemically skinned muscle strips, LTD4 had no effect on either the pCatension relationship or on the release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. However, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate released Ca2+ from the stores and 1,2-diolein, an activator of protein kinase C, enhanced the contractions induced by 0.3 yM Ca2 + 7 It was concluded that LTD4 acts on both the endothelium and on the smooth muscle cells of the guinea-pig basilar artery. It stimulates the release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) which tends to inhibit the LTD4-induced contraction. It also interacts with receptors on the smooth muscle and produces a contraction as a result of an increase in both voltage-dependent and receptor-activated Ca2 influx and, in part, the release of Ca2 + from cellular storage sites.