I extend my sincerest appreciation to my esteemed supervisor, Profa Dra Déborah Yara Alves Cursino dos Santos (Chief of the Department), for opportunity and confidence for pursuing this journey. Many thanks for your unwavering support, teaching, insightful guidance and profound wisdom have been the foundation of this goal. Your mentorship has been an invaluable source of inspiration, shaping not only my academic pursuits but also my character. I am profoundly grateful to Professor Leonardo for sample collection. Similarly, I also think to Professor Dra Gladys F. A. M. de Pinna from Plant Anatomy Laboratory -IB/USP. Your willingness to share your knowledge and insights has been a guiding light in my pursuit of understanding. My heartfelt thanks also extend to the professors of the Botany Department, especially Laboratory of Phytochemistry. I am deeply grateful to my Heros, Muhammad Qasim (Pai) and Mai, brothers (Muhsin, Adil and little Asad), Hina Bibi (sister) and uncle's sincere prayers, support and boundless love have been my pillars of strength throughout this journey. My gratitude knows no bounds.I am also thankful to the technicians of Phytochemistry Laboratory, Mourisa and Aline, for their help and basis assistance and to Tássia technician of the Plant Anatomy Laboratory, for her valuable support and dedication in anatomical analyses.To my colleagues in room 144, starting with Mr. Eli, for his help and guidelines.Additionally, I would also like to extend special thanks to my senior fellows, Priscila, Alice, Tamara, Lucas (Senior and Junior), Miguel and Ruth (from Colombia). Other colleagues from