Abstract. We contrasted total herbaceous ANPP and cover between various disturbance types (Control, Burning, Shrub Control, Old Field 1, Old Field 2, Overgrazing) at a functional group (CSPG= coolseason perennial grasses; WSPG= warm-season perennial grasses; CSAG + D= cool-season annual grasses + dicots) and a species scale during [1984][1985][1986][1987][1988][1989][1990][1991][1992]. Results showed that (1) precipitation appeared to be more important than disturbance type in determining total ANPP (CSPG + WSPG + CSAG + Dicots); (2) CSPG made the greatest (P<0.05) contribution to ANPP and plant cover compared with that made by the other two functional groups in all disturbance types and years; (3) the preferred, late-seral Nassella clarazii and Poa ligularis showed a greater (P<0.05) ANPP than the earlier-seral, intermediate Pappostipa speciosa and non-preferred Amelichloa ambigua and N. trichotoma in 23 out of 27 comparisons in the Control, Burning and Shrub Control disturbance types. In the Old Field 1, Old Field 2 and Overgrazing disturbance types, however, N. clarazii, P. ligularis, P. speciosa, A. ambigua and N. trichotoma showed a similar (P>0.05) ANPP most of the times during 1984-1992; (4) Total plant cover of CSAG+D was most often greater (P<0.05) than that of WSPG at the Old Field 1 and Overgrazing disturbances.