“…The measurements were conducted in a three-electrode cell with a saturated calomel electrode (B521, SI Analytics) as a reference electrode (RE), a 25 mm × 25 mm × 3 mm type 1 glassy carbon plate (Alfa Aesar) as counter electrode (CE), and PyC (pyrolyzed carbon) as a working electrode (WE). An IviumStat 24-bit CompactStat (Ivium, NL) was employed for the electrochemical measurements, and scanning electron microscope–energy dispersion spectroscopy, SEM-EDS (Leo 1450 VP, Zeiss, Germany, INCA-software, Oxford Instruments, UK) was used for the chemical analysis of the electrodes after each EDRR experiment, whereas a Mira 3 Tescan GM (Czech Republic) was used for higher magnification imaging. In addition, the components within the two industrial solution samples investigated were determined using either inductively couple plasma–optical emission spectroscopy or high resolution mass spectroscopy, ICP-OES/HR-MS (OES: Iris intrepid, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA, and HR-MS: Nu AttoM, Nu Instruments Ltd., UK, housed at GTK, Espoo).…”