“…To date, few studies have examined voluntary drug self-administration after TBI. However, these studies largely converge on the conclusion that animals with injury self-administer more drug, or escalate their intake more quickly, across both alcohol and cocaine ( Lim et al , 2015 ; Mayeux et al , 2015 ; Weil et al , 2016 ; Vonder Haar et al , 2018 ), although such self-administration may depend upon injury type, severity, and substance, as one group found no changes in cocaine intake after blast injury ( Muelbl et al , 2018 ), while others have seen increased alcohol intake after blast ( Lim et al , 2015 ), and increased cocaine after mild or severe focal injury ( Vonder Haar et al , 2018 ). Moreover, studies have found interesting subgroup differences within TBI animals with regard to acquisition of drug self-administration ( Lim et al , 2015 ; Vonder Haar et al , 2018 ), in which some TBI rats show faster acquisition of drug self-administration than others, suggesting potential biological or behavioral mediators of resilience that warrant investigation.…”