Objective of this study was to investigate characteristics of inorganic components contained in liquid fertilizer produced using bone powder and rice bran by adding dry yeast and molasses.Addition of dry yeast to liquid fertilizer resulted in little change in pH, considerable increase in EC, and it showed high EC value compared to the control which has no additives. Also, it was appeared that the dry yeast-added treatment had higher at 2,936mgᆞL -1 of NH 4 -N concentration than the control which had 1,782mgᆞL -1 . In the other hand, addition of molasses resulted in low pH and slightly low EC, as compared to the control. NH 4 -N concentration in the no added molasses treatment was 2,936mgᆞL -1 higher than its molasses added treatment which had 2,378 mgᆞL -1 . In conclusion, it was shown that addition of dry yeast to liquid fertilizer increased ammonium nitrogen concentration by accelerating nitrogen mineralization, while molasses has an effect of inhibiting nitrogen mineralization and enhancing the characteristics of fermentation. With application of organic liquid fertilizer containing bone powder and rice bran increased the fresh weight of Allium tuberosum.