In today's society education and not just information is a very important link in individual definition. Thus, education implies accumulation, storage, and later a rendering, sometimes filtered, sometimes not, of perceived knowledge as novel to the individual. By transferring the ones mentioned in the motor area of the individual, his education (implicitly self-education) is allowed and conditioned by several factors including: the desire to evolve (in terms of body expressiveness and not only), individual will, personal perception etc. Participation and involvement in an educational process creates the premises of a correct, professional approach, supported by capitalizing and highlighting the results obtained in the medium and long term. Individual evolution occurs only when the individual accumulates new information, stores them, and then applies them in different contexts, determining new valences and modeling verbal and physical (motoric) behavior. Body expressiveness is a result of the development of various motor activities, activities that find their implications in all executions of elements and procedures specific to different types of sports. Educating the individual during the years of studies on practicing a sport has as a final goal the formation and/or improvement of the persson/student's abilities, which will have positive effects on the general state of health of the body, on the behavior, the psycho-social state, etc.The initial and final evaluations of the practical tests included the students' support of the Matorin test, 4 samples for muscle strength and a complex exercise for coordination, suppleness and balance by the students of "Constantin Brancusi" University, figure 01 and figure 02, and students of "Spiru Haret" University figure 03 and figure 04. Organized sports education will generate the right acquisition of motor skills and habits, which will allow for better management of different situations occurring during different physical and intellectual activities, the acquisition of a healthy lifestyle, and the possibility of independent practice various sports (leisure activity).
FindingsThe present study was carried out on a group of 120 persons/students enrolled in different specializations within two universities: "Constantin Brâncuşi" University of Târgu-Jiu, 60 students and "Spiru Haret" University, Bucharest, 60 students, during a university semester. The subjects involved in the study were enrolled in the first year, the academic year 2017-2018, the evaluation dates being recorded during the 14 weeks of the first semester, the students taking part in a physical education lesson weekly.
1353The results obtained during initial testing (I.T.) by "Spiru Haret" University students at the Matorin testThe results obtained in the final test (F.T.) by "Spiru Haret" University students at Matorin test Concerning the exercise for coordination, equilibrium and suppleness, composed of forward wave, pirouette passé, closed jump, open jump and fouetté, the correctness of the exercises was appre...